Our Clients
Here is a selection of our clients who have successfully implemented feedback programs to develop their leaders and teams.

“The Leader/Manager model is very, very good and has benefits well beyond the obvious and advertised purpose. Coachees really value its ‘face validity’, its power and ease of use particularly in understanding the causes of the need for change, and in formulating meaningful action plans. More so, with aggregated results, 360Facilitated allows the exploration of the drivers of and barriers to performance at the individual, team and organisational level – understanding the cause and means to improve performance in an organisational construct. Again, a powerful, multi-dimensional tool!”

“What better way to look at one’s self than through the eyes of the people you rely upon to get the mission accomplished? The 360 Review Program was so successful for us, that we rolled it out to our entire Division, providing an opportunity for all staff to contribute, and for all supervisors and other key persons to benefit from the feedback in a way that enables everyone to plan effective, targeted improvement, on a structured basis. Now we are using information gleaned from the 360’s to build Individual Development Plans.”

“Leaderskill Group has assisted our strategic planning with their Mega Planning methodology for over seven years. In the article we co-wrote, I estimated that Defence Consulting had saved between 5 and 8 million dollars – without counting the savings to our stakeholders, including government – just on the redevelopment of the historical Randwick Barracks site in Sydney.”

“The most significant intervention we have undertaken. Influenced the growth and learning of our managers as leaders.”